woMen's ministry

We extend to you a heartfelt personal invitation to join us, here at Calvary Chapel of South Jersey, as we study the word together, learn to pray with one another, and enjoy honest friendship from the heart.

  • Women's Night school

    Join us for for the first study starting on March 10 at 7:00pm at church. We will be going through Praying the Scriptures for Your Life by Jodi Berndt. More study groups coming in the spring!



    Meeting Monday evenings @ 6pm-7pm in the Women's Ministry Office

    Contact persons: Yve Gemerek 856-220-8714 & Terry Olson 856-812-2405

    Moms In Prayer stand in the gap praying for students, teachers, administrators, and support staff.

  • Women's Luncheon

    Stay tuned for more information.

  • Options for women

    Options Pregnancy Center (www.optionscherryhill.org) is a faith-based non-profit pregnancy center that provides counseling and services for women. CCSJ is honored to help Options for Women by contributing items from their wish list. Interested in donating?